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Lovely Lady Alena from Dnepropetrovsk
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Romantic Girl Marina from Nikolaev
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Faithful Girl Karina from Melitopol
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Independent Woman Tatyana from Poltava
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Wellmannered Bride Aleksandra from Khmelnitsky
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Realistic Bride Francy from Cali
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Womanly Wife Francisca from Maracay
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Grateful Woman Darya from Bucharest


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Selfsufficient bride Anna from Kiev (Ukraine), 28 yo, hair color brown-haired
  • ID: 97391
  • Âge: 28
  • Date de naissance: Décembre 30, 1996
  • Zodiaque: Capricorn
  • Hauteur: 5' 8" (174 cm)
  • Poids: 118 lb (54 kg)
  • couleur de Cheveux: Brown-haired
  • couleur d'Yeux: Brown
  • Pays: Ukraine
  • Ville: Kiev
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Situation de famille: Simple
  • Enfants: Non
  • Fumée: No
  • Alcool: Socially
  • Profession: Tourism
  • Occupation Agent from the organization of tourism, administrator, secre
  • Éducation: Higer
  • langue d'anglais: Pré-Avancé
  • d'Autres langues étrangères: Aucune connaissance
  • Cherche le Partenaire: 30 - 60 ans
  • woman
De moi
cheerful, cheerful and kind. The soul of the company. According to the Capricorn horoscope. I love when everything goes according to plan.I don't really like changes. Responsive and hardworking. I always see only the good in people. I treat people the way I would like to be treated. I love traveling and learning something new. Punctual and responsible.
les Hobbies et les intérêts
My dream is to jump from a parachute and overcome the fear of heights. I love sports and regularly work out in the gym, go to yoga. Travel as a way of life. I love to cook and try new dishes in any corner of the world. Extreme, I love thrills and I love to feel the passion for life
Cherchant le Type d'Hommes
My Relationship : this is when relationships are built on trust, based on attention, care, respect that's what they should be an ideal relationship. Of course, we should not forget about love and sexual attraction. My man: he should be kind, and with a sense of humor. Love animals. Love yourself and be able to love others. To be someone you can rely on and ready to take responsibility. Purposeful.
  • Quel est votre style de musique préféré?
    I am a music lover, the choice of music always depends on the mood. Lately I really like electronic music. I also attend various festivals.
  • Quelles sont vos fleurs préférées?
    Roses, asters, tulips
  • Quelle est votre saison préférée?
    I love all seasons
  • Quel est votre film préféré?
    128 heart beats per minute.
  • Quel genre de films préférez-vous?
    Ostrics, science fiction, comedies, drama, thriller
  • Quel genre de sport vous aimez?
    I will pick up skiing, swimming, big shades, football
  • Quel sport faites-vous?
    I regularly study in the sport hall, I go to yoga
  • Aimez-vous les roses?
    I love roses
  • Quelle est la couleur des roses que préférez-vous?
    Red, yellow, white roses
  • Dans quels endroits avez-vous été?
    China, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Poland, Mexico, UAE, Uganda, Thailand.
  • Quels pays aimeriez-vous visiter?
    To be honest, I dream will go on a trip around the world to see more
  • Quelle est votre cuisine préférée?
    I love Asian and European cuisine.
  • Croyez-vous dans la bonne fortune?
    Yes, I believe in this
  • Comment préférez-vous passer votre temps libre, activement ou tranquillement?
    I am an active person, but just a person, so everything is in the strength of my capabilities and moods
  • Qu'est-ce ou qui a influencé votre vie le plus?
    Those countries and places in which I managed to visit
  • Quelle est votre citation ou aphorisme favori?
    The longer you wait, the more days you will lose forever.
  • Quel est votre plat préféré à cuisiner?
    Of course - pizza , ha-ha
  • Aimez-vous cuisiner?
    Yes I like to cook when there is time
  • Voulez-vous avoir des enfants?
    It all depends on the relationship with my man and on our goals with him
  • Aimez-vous aller à la boîte de nuit ou non?
    No, but no one canceled the pleasant party at home
  • Êtes-vous prêts à déménager dans un autre pays?
    Maybe if the relationship requires this