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Decent Lady Anastasiya from Kiev
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Kind Woman Mariya from Mariupol
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Enigmatic Girl Yana from Poltava
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Mild Lady Marina from Poltava
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Strongwilled Girl Karina from Mariupol
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Good Girl Anastasiya from Zhitomir
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Sociable Lady Margarita from Kherson
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Grateful Woman Darya from Bucharest


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Romantic bride Anastasiya from Druzhkovka (Ukraine), 27 yo, hair color brown-haired
  • ID: 95479
  • Âge: 27
  • Date de naissance: Juillet 4, 1997
  • Zodiaque: Cancer
  • Hauteur: 5' 2" (160 cm)
  • Poids: 110 lb (50 kg)
  • couleur de Cheveux: Brown-haired
  • couleur d'Yeux: Brown
  • Pays: Ukraine
  • Ville: Druzhkovka
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Situation de famille: Simple
  • Enfants: Non
  • Fumée: No
  • Alcool: Never
  • Profession: Architect
  • Occupation Student
  • Éducation: Incomplete higher
  • langue d'anglais: Le niveau de débutants
  • d'Autres langues étrangères: Aucune connaissance
  • Cherche le Partenaire: 27 - 46 ans
  • woman
De moi
It is difficult to describe myself and to be objective, but I will try). My main quality is a caring attitude towards the people around me, maybe that is why I have always wanted to become a nurse. I am a helpful and reliable lady. I am romantic and a little naive because of my age. I am a family-oriented lady and I will always choose an evening with my family instead of a noisy party in a night club. I am a diligent lady and if I do something - I try to do it well. My heart and mind are open for this world, I like to learn something new every day, to study and improve myself in everything - to train my brain and my body too).
les Hobbies et les intérêts
My biggest hobby is movies - I always spend an evening with a good movie and can tell you much about the movies I have already seen and the actors who took part in them. Despite my love to the movies, I am sure that I would be a very bad actress, as I am an emotional lady and can even cry while watching a good movie - both because of the sad and happy moments). I do sports and have two dogs and one cat.
Cherchant le Type d'Hommes
My man is mature and intelligent, caring and reliable, ready to create a family and take responsibility of his future wife and children. I value maturity in men the most, because a mature man knows how to treat a woman, how to make her happy and he will not step back because of some difficulties or problems in life. I do not mind if he has children - I love children and find common language with them quickly. I hope we will have the same views in life and he will let me come into his life and make him happier.
  • Quelle est votre saison préférée?
    I like summer.
  • Quel est votre acteur/actrice prefere?
    Johnny Depp
  • Quel est votre film préféré?
    The Devil's Advocate
  • Quel genre de films préférez-vous?
    I prefer dramas.
  • Quel genre de sport vous aimez?
    I like fitness.
  • Aimez-vous les roses?
    Yes, I like roses.
  • What is your favorite colour?
  • Quelle couleur préférez-vous dans vos vêtements?
    I prefer pink one.
  • Quelle profession avez-vous rêvez quand vous étiez enfant?
    I dreamed to be a nurse.
  • Quelle chose vous voulez changer dans votre vie pour le rendre meilleur?
    To find my true love.
  • Quelle est votre cuisine préférée?
    My favourite cuisine is Asian.
  • Croyez-vous dans la bonne fortune?
    Yes, I believe.
  • Avez-vous une sorte de talisman qui vous apporte la bonne chance?
    Yes, I have.
  • Comment préférez-vous passer votre temps libre, activement ou tranquillement?
  • Quel trait de votre caractère voudriez-vous changer (le cas échéant)?
    My naivety.
  • Quels sont les cinq choses que vous prenez toujours avec vous?
    Keys, lipstick, mirror, passport, purse.
  • Qu'est-ce ou qui a influencé votre vie le plus?
    My father.
  • Aimez-vous cuisiner?
    Yes, I like cooking.
  • Voulez-vous avoir des enfants?
    Yes, I want to have children.
  • Êtes-vous un type de maison?
    Yes, I am.
  • Êtes-vous prêts à déménager dans un autre pays?
    Yes, I am willing.