
En ligne
Hottempered wife Evgeniya from Miami (USA), 32 yo, hair color chestnut
  • ID: 96899
  • Âge: 32
  • Date de naissance: Septembre 18, 1992
  • Zodiaque: Virgo
  • Hauteur: 5' 10" (178 cm)
  • Poids: 118 lb (54 kg)
  • couleur de Cheveux: Chestnut
  • couleur d'Yeux: Brown
  • Pays: USA
  • Ville: Miami
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Situation de famille: Simple
  • Enfants: Non
  • Fumée: No
  • Alcool: Never
  • Profession: Doctor
  • Occupation Commercial Model
  • Éducation: Higher education
  • langue d'anglais: Pré-Avancé
  • d'Autres langues étrangères: Aucune connaissance
  • Cherche le Partenaire: 35 - 55 ans
  • woman
De moi
My life is somewhat like a Cinderella fairy tale, only in the end I didn't marry a fairy prince. But it's not over yet. On the contrary , this is just the beginning . I am a hardworking girl who is willing to work hard to achieve her goal. That 's what happened in my life ! Now I am a very popular and well - known model . I earn good money and basically have everything I need . But there is one point where I have not realized myself , it is as a beloved woman and mother . I came to the dating site to meet my love .
les Hobbies et les intérêts
I am fond of modeling, and I work as a professional model. I like the business that I do , and which brings me not only pleasure but also a good income .
Cherchant le Type d'Hommes
I know it's real! It is really possible to meet a good sincere person on a dating site . Really fall in love and really build a strong relationship. I am ready for a serious relationship , if you are also ready , then write to me and let me know about your intentions . I'm looking forward to seeing you, my love! I 'm tired of being alone , so I 'm very serious .
  • Quelles sont vos fleurs préférées?
    I love roses !
  • Quel genre de sport vous aimez?
    Fitness , yoga
  • Aimez-vous les roses?
  • Comment voyez-vous votre vie future dans 10 ans?
    Happy . And next to the man you love
  • Quels pays aimeriez-vous visiter?
    I would like to visit many countries , traveling is always great .
  • Croyez-vous dans la bonne fortune?
    Yes I do
  • Qu'est-ce ou qui a influencé votre vie le plus?
    This is probably my grandmother , she always believed in me like no one else .
  • Quel est votre plat préféré à cuisiner?
    I love cooking chicken , and fish !
  • Nommez une chose dont vous ne pouvez jamais refuser.
    It 's not a thing , it 's a family . I will never give up my family .
  • Aimez-vous cuisiner?
    Yes , I love cooking !
  • Êtes-vous un type de maison?
    More no than yes . I can't just sit at home.