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Beautiful Lady Alina from Stakhanov
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Honest Bride Mariya from Zaporozhye
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Serious Bride Yana from Kiev
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Enthusiastic Woman Karla from Bogota
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Friendly Girl Valeriya from Kiev
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Cheerful Lady Irina from Odessa
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Young Lady Kseniya from Odessa
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Communicative Wife Anna from Zaporozhye


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Eventempered woman Yuliya from Kiev (Ukraine), 34 yo, hair color blonde
  • ID: 98007
  • Âge: 34
  • Date de naissance: Juillet 11, 1990
  • Zodiaque: Cancer
  • Hauteur: 5' 4" (164 cm)
  • Poids: 143 lb (65 kg)
  • couleur de Cheveux: Blonde
  • couleur d'Yeux: Aqua
  • Pays: Ukraine
  • Ville: Kiev
  • Religion: Orthodox
  • Situation de famille: Divorcé
  • Enfants: Non
  • Fumée: No
  • Alcool: Never
  • Profession: fire safety
  • Occupation I have my own brand of cosmetics, food blogger
  • Éducation: higher education
  • langue d'anglais: Utilisation du dictionnaire
  • d'Autres langues étrangères: Aucune connaissance
  • Cherche le Partenaire: 25 - 54 ans
  • woman
De moi
If you meet me in the street- I promise you will never forget this meeting! But as we are now meeting on line I can tell a lot about you just by looking at you and seeing your hands, knowing your date of birth. My life motto is to live and be happy with every day! I was unlucky in my relationship but that didn't break me. When the treasure is taken easily, with no efforts, we don't appreciate it. But being tired of useless things we pay attention to the simple things in life.This is the real point of every search. I registered on this site and I am sure that I will meet a man with whom I will happily live all days.If you looking for a sinificant one, I am waiting for your letters. I promise you will not regret our acquaintance!
les Hobbies et les intérêts
I respect people that are self made, that had nothing and achieved everything Their experience attracts me and acting and developing myself is my main hobby!
Cherchant le Type d'Hommes
Who I am looking for? Warm person, kind soul, deep character and strong personality! We don't know each other yet, but even though we already have at least one thing in common - it is the reason why we have come to this place. We are both single and we want to bring it to an end, right?
  • Quel est votre style de musique préféré?
    I listen to absolutely all music except rap
  • Quel est votre livre préféré?
    My favorite book now is The Mystery of Ronley Byrne, I believe in dreams and that there is something unearthly
  • Quelles sont vos fleurs préférées?
    Regarding flowers, I really like large compositions - non-standard ones
  • Quelle est votre saison préférée?
  • Quel est votre acteur/actrice prefere?
    I like actress Angelina Jolie
  • Quel est votre film préféré?
    The film Mr and Mrs Smith and the film The Tourist
  • Quel genre de sport vous aimez?
    I run every day
  • Quel sport faites-vous?
    I run every day and now is the turning point - look for a trainer for individual training (stretching, Pilates something like that)
  • Quelle couleur préférez-vous dans vos vêtements?
    I like red, black and white in clothes. It seems to me that these colors suit me best and help me highlight my individuality the most.
  • Quel style de vêtements vous préférez?
    I like classics
  • Qu'est-ce que vous aimez faire dans votre temps libre?
    I love going to the movies, shows, musicals, concerts
  • Quelle profession avez-vous rêvez quand vous étiez enfant?
    As a child I wanted to become a singer
  • Comment voyez-vous votre vie future dans 10 ans?
    I am married to the best man, we are wonderful in public and understanding, we have 2 children, I am also a Food Blogger with a million subscribers. We also help other people, most likely to get older
  • Quelle chose vous voulez changer dans votre vie pour le rendre meilleur?
    Move to London and learn English, run a successful business
  • Dans quels endroits avez-vous été?
    Sweden, Italy, Malta, Turkey, Georgia, Sicily, Austria, Germany, France, Egypt, Lithuania, UAE, Spain
  • Quels pays aimeriez-vous visiter?
    I really want to go to America and Britain, Singapore
  • Quelle est votre cuisine préférée?
    I love Italian cuisine and of course Ukrainian
  • Croyez-vous dans la bonne fortune?
  • Avez-vous une sorte de talisman qui vous apporte la bonne chance?
    There is no talisman, although I am the talisman
  • Avec quelle personne célèbre aimeriez-vous communiquer?
    Definitely with Angelina Jolie
  • Quel trait de votre caractère voudriez-vous changer (le cas échéant)?
    I completely accept myself, I don't want to change anything
  • Quels sont les cinq choses que vous prenez toujours avec vous?
    Phone, documents, money, keys, lipstick
  • Quelle est votre citation ou aphorisme favori?
    My motto is - let's just move forward, life is an adventure and you are the most important character in it, enjoy it
  • Quelle est votre devise de vie?
    My motto is just forward
  • Aimez-vous cuisiner?
    Yes, I love to cook and I run my own blog about cooking.
  • Voulez-vous avoir des enfants?