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Persistent wife Mariya from Kursk (Russia), 25 yo, hair color brunette
  • ID: 96617
  • Âge: 25
  • Date de naissance: Octobre 11, 1999
  • Zodiaque: Libra
  • Hauteur: 5' 6" (170 cm)
  • Poids: 114 lb (52 kg)
  • couleur de Cheveux: Brunette
  • couleur d'Yeux: Brown
  • Pays: Russia
  • Ville: Kursk
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Situation de famille: Simple
  • Enfants: Non
  • Fumée: No
  • Alcool: Occasionally
  • Profession: Economist
  • Occupation Model business owner
  • Éducation: Higher
  • langue d'anglais: Utilisation du dictionnaire
  • d'Autres langues étrangères: Aucune connaissance
  • Cherche le Partenaire: 30 - 60 ans
  • woman
De moi
I am a young and energetic girl who loves a beautiful life. Living beautifully does not mean spending a lot of money on it. I am a mystery girl, but I am so pleasant to unravel! Behind my appearance and data there is a caring and loving girl who also dreams of having a family. I always try to bring a smile and joy to the person next to me, but there is also a little secret about me that you will like very much, I am sure of it.
les Hobbies et les intérêts
My interest in cosmetology keeps me awake at night. I study the intricacies of the structure of the face, the skin on the face, which face care products are best and for which skin they are suitable. In addition, I am fond of creating and collecting miniature objects of everyday life. I am actively involved in the modeling business. I like to travel, read. I am a very good cook and I like to do it especially for the people dear to me. I also like to meditate in my free time.
Cherchant le Type d'Hommes
I want to find a manly and unselfish man who will love me with all his soul. Surely you have heard that every little girl since childhood dreams of great love, so it's true and I am no exception. I often hear from people a dozen years older than me that they are too old for me to get to know me better. If only they knew how important it is to look back regardless of age. The more we believe we are getting older, the fewer people will pay attention to you. I believe that age cannot determine the state of mind and body.
  • Quelle est ta chanson préférée?
    Celine Dion - Just Walk Away
  • Quel est votre style de musique préféré?
    I like pop music.
  • Quel est votre livre préféré?
    The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov
  • Quelles sont vos fleurs préférées?
    I like roses.
  • Quelle est votre saison préférée?
    I like spring.
  • Quel est votre acteur/actrice prefere?
    Emma Roberts
  • Quel est votre film préféré?
    American Horror Story
  • Quel sport faites-vous?
    I do fitness.
  • Aimez-vous les roses?
    Yes, I do.
  • Quelle est la couleur des roses que préférez-vous?
    I prefer white, pink, red roses.
  • What is your favorite colour?
    I like pink colour.
  • Quelle couleur préférez-vous dans vos vêtements?
    I prefer pink colour in my clothes.
  • Quel style de vêtements vous préférez?
    I prefer to wear designer clothes.
  • Comment voyez-vous votre vie future dans 10 ans?
    I see myself as a caring wife and a happy mother of two children.
  • Quelle est votre cuisine préférée?
    I like the Italian cuisine.
  • Croyez-vous dans la bonne fortune?
    Yes, I do.
  • Avec quelle personne célèbre aimeriez-vous communiquer?
    Ariana Grande
  • Quels sont les cinq choses que vous prenez toujours avec vous?
    My phone, lipstick, a little mirror, money, jewerly.
  • Quel est votre plat préféré à cuisiner?
    I like to bake Napoleon cake.
  • Aimez-vous cuisiner?
    Yes, I do.
  • Aimez-vous aller à la boîte de nuit ou non?
    Sometimes I go there.