- ID: 58472
- Âge: 57
- Date de naissance: Juin 26, 1967
- Zodiaque: Cancer
- Hauteur: 5' 4" (164 cm)
- Poids: 162 lb (74 kg)
- couleur de Cheveux: Light brown
- couleur d'Yeux: Gray
- Pays: Ukraine
- Ville: Poltava
- Religion: Russian Orthodox
- Situation de famille: Divorcé
- Enfants: 1 (Garçon-1987)
- Fumée: No
- Alcool: Occasionally
- Profession: Nurse
- Occupation Master of manicure
- Éducation: College
- langue d'anglais: Utilisation du dictionnaire
- d'Autres langues étrangères: Aucune connaissance
- Cherche le Partenaire: 40 - 55 ans
- woman
De moi
I with love tell you everything about me. But do not hurry me in this question. I am not ready to open my sole and to tell you some facts about my biography. I ask you one thing, do not think that I am not reserved woman or I am here only for get some fun. You should know that each woman has got much kick and that first impression is the stronger and the most right, so I am trying to say that I can open only in privet, when I see you or when you write me a letter with your question. Believe me, I with love answer on your question and I will try to open my heart and to tell you about myself. I am a woman with some experience, and do not want hurt myself.les Hobbies et les intérêts
I like to listen chanson. I think that this music is very clearly represents the life of people in this world. Words are written not just from the head but they are taken from the real situation and represent the simple facts of life, describe people and the music is perfect for some party or to listen in a privet. I am fond of yoga. I think that yoga helps us to relax and get more satisfaction from life. After yoga lessons I feel happier and free. All problems become so simple and easy to solve. Yoga helps to keep my body fit and strong. I like to read book in the late, cold evenings with a cup of coffee and sitting on the window sill. I am very open and kind woman.Cherchant le Type d'Hommes
I think that there are no ideal man and woman. Perfect and ideal relationships are differing. It is only our imagination. People think up some kind of excuse in order to split up. It is very easy live with ideal partner. But not all people perfect. What about them. I am, maybe, not perfect woman, but it does not mean that I want to be alone and live my life as a flower, which one day is blooming and on the second day somebody can hurt it and with a cruel pull up it. I am also want to be happy. The only thing I ask my future best half is to be honest with me, no lie. If you do not have higher education is not a problem to me, if ready to share with your love. You are single or divorced it is also not vital for me. I just want you to hold me in your arms and never let me go.Entretien
Quelle est ta chanson préférée?
I have many favorite music songs and can't name exactly only oneQuel est votre style de musique préféré?
Classic and chanson music by my moodQuel est votre livre préféré?
L. Hay "Power inside us"Quelles sont vos fleurs préférées?
I like all kinds of flowers without exceptionsQuelle est votre saison préférée?
SpringQuel est votre acteur/actrice prefere?
Natalia GundarevaQuel genre de films préférez-vous?
Romantic and also documental filmsQuel genre de sport vous aimez?
Figure skatingQuel sport faites-vous?
I don't know if it's sport, but I engage in meditationAimez-vous les roses?
Yes, I love rosesQuelle est la couleur des roses que préférez-vous?
White and pink rosesWhat is your favorite colour?
Light colors and whiteQuelle couleur préférez-vous dans vos vêtements?
White and light colorsQuel style de vêtements vous préférez?
Sports and classic styleQu'est-ce que vous aimez faire dans votre temps libre?
Just have a restQuelle profession avez-vous rêvez quand vous étiez enfant?
To become a good hairdresserComment voyez-vous votre vie future dans 10 ans?
I see this like a happy life with my beloved man and sharing all life joy with himQuelle chose vous voulez changer dans votre vie pour le rendre meilleur?
To find my second half and life partner for the rest of my lifeQuel est votre souvenir le plus heureux?
The day when I give a birth to my sonDans quels endroits avez-vous été?
Egypt, RussiaQuels pays aimeriez-vous visiter?
European countriesAvez-vous un surnom? Qu'Est-ce que c'est?
NoQuelle est votre cuisine préférée?
Ukrainian cuisineCroyez-vous dans la bonne fortune?
YesAvez-vous une sorte de talisman qui vous apporte la bonne chance?
NoComment préférez-vous passer votre temps libre, activement ou tranquillement?
I like to readQuel trait de votre caractère voudriez-vous changer (le cas échéant)?
I don't knowQuels sont les cinq choses que vous prenez toujours avec vous?
Mobile phone, notebook, pan, lipstick, bugrakeQu'est-ce ou qui a influencé votre vie le plus?
My moodQuelle est votre citation ou aphorisme favori?
That one who doesn't work is really doesn't eatQuelle est votre devise de vie?
To love and to be lovedQuel est le souvenir le plus clair de votre enfance?
Road trip to the seaside in 1974Quel est votre plat préféré à cuisiner?
Uzbek pilafNommez une chose dont vous ne pouvez jamais refuser.
My own familyAimez-vous cuisiner?
Yes, but preferably in time when I have target to cook for someone close to me
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